Members Area

Casino Night - Private Function - Invitation only

May 22, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM

Let the Good Times ROLL at our upcoming CASINO NIGHT!

IBANS is hosting an exclusive networking night for its member brokerages and those companies who are part of our annual tiered sponsorship program.

This informal evening will provide an opportunity for invited company representatives and brokerage principals and their senior management teams to build and strengthen relationships in a fun and relaxed environment.  

It is also a great chance to get out and meet our 2024 Board of Directors! Please note that a small registration fee is being charged, however ALL proceeds will be donated to a local charity... a Win-Win for everyone!


DATE: May 22, 2024

SITE: Prince George Hotel, Regency Room

TIME: 6-9 pm 

For those requiring accommodations please be sure to ask about IBANS annual corporate preferred rate when booking at the Prince George Hotel.

Registration includes a selection of both hot and cold hors d'oeuvres.


2024 Annual Sponsoring Companies







Portage Mutual