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IBANS Online Exams/Registration Process


We are pleased to offer Nova Scotia students online exams for CAIB and Fundamentals of Insurance (FOI)!

We have worked closely with our provider, Captus Press to provide this digital platform of learning which will enhance the exam process.

Step 1 - Students  MUST register though

  • CAIB Modules - choose self study or evening webinar 
  • FOI select self study 

*** If you are re-writing an exam, please DO NOT complete Step 1. Start with Step 2 ***

Step 2 - When students are ready to write their exam, they will register through the Captus Press website. To do so please go to your personal My Courses page and click the link that says REGISTER FOR AN ONLINE EXAM

Students will be required to purchase their exam before they are approved to write. Payment by credit card is highly recommended for ease (you can either enter info, or have a manager call in with the number - 905-760-2723) but cheques made out to Captus Press are accepted; however due to the delay to process a cheque, students must give 2 weeks before they plan to write their exam.

Step 3 -For students using a nominated proctor (supervisor, manager, brokerage principal), you must email  with the following information:

  • your exam date ( Monday-Friday ), 
  • your exam time ( 11:00am-9:00pm),
  • proctor name,
  • proctor's phone number
  • proctor's email.
  • your proctor must be copied on this email. Please note: Proctors must be a supervisor, manager, or brokerage principal who is not currently pursuing their CAIB designation.

 ** Students who have selected to use an online proctor, do not need to complete this step **

Step 4 - Once IBANS approves your exam date/time/proctor, and Captus Press processes your payment, an email will be sent to the student with exam login codes. Proctors will also receive an email with their proctor codes. Please note: These codes are only valid for the date and time that the student has been approved to write.

Step 5 - Students write their online exam ( 3.5 hours for CAIB, 2 hours for FOI)

Step 6 - Exam marks may be obtained by students when they login to and go to their My Courses section of their personal profile page.

  • CAIB - Please allow 1-2 weeks for your CAIB exam to be marked. 
  • FOI exams are automatically marked and students will have their mark instantly.

At any time, students may contact Captus Press with questions regarding codes, registration process, or technical difficulties.  Call 1-866-348-7888 or email .




Please visit our CAIB FAQ's

Please visit our FOI FAQ's