Broker Code of Ethics
- I will endeavor to provide quality service performed in a professional and competent manner.
- I will endeavor to serve my clients interests with insurance coverages best suited to their needs, uninfluenced by my basis of remuneration and ownership.
- I will hold in strictest confidence all information acquired in my professional capacity and will not divulge it or any portion of it unless so authorized or so required by law.
- I will endeavor to keep myself knowledgeable and proficient in my vocation.
- My conduct towards others shall be characterized by courtesy and good faith in such a way as to enhance public respect and improve the practice of my vocation.
- I will fulfill my responsibilities to insurers by:
- Providing complete underwriting details on risks in order that each risk may be properly assessed. Facts will not be withheld that could be detrimental to the interest of insurers
- Respect my obligations to insurers
- Acting in a professional manner at all times
- I will fulfill my responsibilities to fellow brokers by:
- Conducting myself in a frank and open manner in dealing with colleagues
- making no false statements or misrepresentations by omission of facts, inference or subterfuge
- Co-operating in every reasonable way for the betterment of the industry
- Using fair methods of competition in solicitation of business which are consistent with the honour and dignity of the profession